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              CompanyNews IndustryNews

              The latest customs requirements for DHL's express destinations to the U.S.

              瀏覽量:2602Author:來自DHL中國(guó)Source:Dhl china

              北美洲-United States Of America(美國(guó))

              North America-United States Of America (United States)


              Since October, for shipments with a total import tax of more than US$500, DHL in the United States will collect tariffs online through the Advanced Duty Collection (ADC). The tariff amount and payment link will be sent to the recipient via SMS or email on the day the tax is generated. If the recipient fails to complete the payment within 5 days after the tariff is generated, the shipment will be automatically returned to the sender from the U.S. port.

              In order to ensure that your recipient can receive the notification of tariff payment in time, it is recommended that you fill in the recipient’s contact mobile phone and common email address completely and accurately, and remind your recipient to complete the tax payment in time when receiving the notification of tariff payment. Avoid unnecessary losses.