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              CompanyNews IndustryNews

              Indonesia Customs New Deal

              瀏覽量:5977Author:轉載Source:dhl china

              Indonesia (Indonesia) share download attachment


              In order to increase the transparency of importing and exporting Indonesian goods, the Indonesian customs authorities have formulated the following new policies:

              → New Deal name and number: Director General of Customs and Excise Regulation (DG Regulation), number 11/2020

              → Effective time of the new policy: The new policy will take effect on August 1, 2021


              The new policy stipulates: Indonesia's import or export goods declaration must provide an Indonesian taxpayer identification number Indonesia Tax ID-NPWP

              (NPWP-Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak is the abbreviation of Indonesian taxpayer identification number)


              For details, please refer to the attachment.
